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U.S. Patents


[1]   Qiang Zeng, Kornel F. Ehmann and Jian Cao,

“Incremental Rotary Rolling Mill and Method,”

U.S. Patent PCT/US2017/055615. Oct 06. 2017. (Pending)

[2]   Qiang Zeng, Kornel F. Ehmann and Jian Cao,

“Translational Parallel Manipulators and Methods of Operating the Same,”

U.S. Patent No. 9,283,671. Mar 15. 2016.

SCI Journal (13) and Conference (5) Papers

[1]   Qiang Zeng, Kornel F. Ehmann, Jian Cao, 2016,

“Design of General Kinematotropic Mechanisms,”

Elsevier,Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 38, pp.67-81.

[2]   Qiang Zeng, Kornel F. Ehmann and Jian Cao, 2014,

“Tri-pyramid Robot: Design and Kinematic Analysis of a 3-DOF Translational

Parallel Manipulator,”

Elsevier, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 30, pp. 648-657.

[3]   Qiang Zeng, Kornel F. Ehmann and Jian Cao, 2016,

“Tri-pyramid Robot: Stiffness Modeling of a 3-DOF Translational Parallel Manipulator,”

Cambridge University Press, Robotica, 34, pp. 383-402.

[4]   Qiang Zeng, Kornel F. Ehmann, 2014,

“Design of Spatial Hybrid Loop Manipulators with Kinematotropic and

Deployable Capabilities,”

IFToMM, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 71, pp. 1-26.

[5]   Qiang Zeng, Kornel F. Ehmann, 2012,

“Error Modeling of a Parallel Wedge Precision Positioning Stage,”

ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 134, pp. 061005.

[6]   Qiang Zeng, Yuefa Fang, 2012,

“Algorithm for Topological Design of Multi-Loop Hybrid Mechanisms

via Logical Proposition,”

Cambridge University Press, Robotica, 30, pp. 599-612.

[7]   Qiang Zeng, Yuefa Fang, 2012,

“Structural Synthesis and Analysis of Serial-Parallel Hybrid Mechanisms

with Spatial Multi-Loop Kinematic Chains,”

IFToMM, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 49, pp. 198-215.

[8]   Qiang Zeng, Yuefa Fang and Kornel F. Ehmann, 2011,

“Design of a Novel 4-DOF Kinematotropic Hybrid Parallel Manipulator,”

ASME, Journal of Mechanical Design, 133, pp. 121006.

[9]   Qiang Zeng, Yuefa Fang and Kornel F. Ehmann, 2011,

“Topological Structural Synthesis of 4-DOF Serial-Parallel Hybrid Mechanisms,”

ASME, Journal of Mechanical Design, 133, pp. 091008.

[10] Qiang Zeng, Yuefa Fang, 2009,

“Structural Synthesis of Serial-Parallel Hybrid Mechanisms Based on Representation and Operation of Logical Matrix,”

ASME, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 1, pp. 041003.

[11]  Qiang Zeng, Yuefa Fang, 2009,

“Structural Synthesis of Serial-Parallel Hybrid Mechanisms via Group

Theory and Representation of Logical Matrix,”

Proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. on Information and Automation,

Zhu Hai, P.R.C., 14, pp. 1392-1397.

[12] Qiang Zeng, Kornel F. Ehmann, 2012,

“A Novel Design of Parallel Compliant Micro-Motion Stages with

Kinematotropic Properties,”

Transactions of North American Manufacturing

Research Institution of SME, Notre Dame, IN, U.S.A., 40, pp. 324-332.

[13] Qiang Zeng, Kornel F. Ehmann, 2013,

“Design of a 3-DOF Compliant Parallel Mechanism for Displacement Amplification,”

ASME, International Manufacturing Science and

Engineering Conference, MSEC, 1., Madison, WI, U.S.A.

[14] Sungcheul Lee, Qiang Zeng, Kornel F. Ehmann, 2017, 

“Error modeling for sensitivity analysis and calibration of the tri-pyramid parallel robot,” 

Springer, The International Journal of Advanced

Manufacturing Technology, 93,  pp. 1319-1332.

[15] Fengchun Li, Qiang Zeng, Kornel F. Ehmann, Jian Cao, Tiemin Li, 2019, 

“A calibration method for overconstrained spatial translational parallel manipulators,”

Elsevier, Robotics and Computer-Integrated

Manufacturing, 57, pp. 241-254.

[16] Zilin Jiang, Qiang Zeng, Osman Anderoglu, Stuart Maloy, G. Robert Odette,

       Kornel F. Ehmann, Jian  Cao, 2019, 

“Characterization of 14YWT oxide dispersion strengthened structural materials

under electrically-assisted tension,”

Materials Science and Engineering, A 745, pp. 484-494.

[17] Zilin Jiang, Qiang Zeng, Man Kwan Ng, Kornel Ehmann, Osman Anderoglu,

       Stuart Maloy, Jian Cao,2017, 

“Electrically-assisted forming of oxide dispersion strengthened structural materials,”

Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 117.

[18] Ketao Zhang, Jiansheng Dai, Yuefa Fang, Qiang Zeng, 2011, 

“String matrix based geometrical and topological representation of mechanisms,”

 The 13th World Congress in Mechanism and

Machine Science, Guanajuato, México, pp. 19-25.


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